It’s Time to Start Listening to Your Inner Artist

I have my best thinking moments when I am alone - driving back after dropping my 2 kids in school. Where my thoughts get to just move around freely and this popped up for me – the fear of exploring our creativity.

I get it; it's like standing at the edge of the unknown, uncertain of what lies beyond.

But here's why this topic matters, it’s not about what you make - it dives into why and how you make it

Why It Matters:

Picture this – your creativity as a vast landscape waiting to be explored. The fear of going into something that has no definition can be like a roadblock, limiting the full expression of your artistic soul. It's more than just a challenge; it's a barrier to the experience that art can be – which to me is - an adventure of self-discovery.

Heart to Heart

I've been right there with you, facing the same fear that kept my brush hesitant and my colors muted. The worry about making mistakes or not measuring up can cloud the joy of creating. I did not realise that I was stuck in the safe zone - following watercolor tutorials.

I found myself trapped in the allure of tutorials, thinking they'd guide me to artistic exploration. Little did I realize, I was merely dancing in the shadows of 'experts,' missing the chance to hear my own artistic voice. Breaking free from this fear, I realised how I had neglected listening to myself (and I was lost in listening to what others said or recommended).

It took me a while to realise that these ‘experts’ have already done their due exploration and are settling on specific shortcuts just because it's part of their system. It took me a while to break free from that fear, and move past what others were doing and start exploring watercolor for myself, it was a game-changer for my art.

Diving deep

When we do something out of our comfort zone and choose to experiment, it goes beyond art making - its about testing our trust and belief system in ourselves. By moving away from what’s ‘safe’, you will feel the weight of judgment or the fear of not meeting some invisible standards.

Who are you becoming?

That fear? It casts a shadow on your unique artistic voice. It whispers doubts about your abilities and questions whether what you create is truly yours. Breaking free from this fear isn't just about making better art; it's about reclaiming your artistic identity – finding the voice that makes your creations uniquely yours.

A Solution that YOU can act on

Here are tools that guided me, fellow friend, as I navigated beyond my comfort zone. Because I understand your hunger for more in your art, I extend an invitation to 'Brush and Bloom,' a 3-day online retreat that opens imperfections as sacred elements of your practice.

Feeling Safety in Creating:

This is also why I have gone beyond ‘tutorials’ and created a collective - "Brush Movement Collective," - A place designed for you to share your creative explorations without judgment. It's more than a community; it's a haven for creativity, where every brushstroke is celebrated, no matter how experimental.

Here are some practical ways that can help you tap into your inner artist and keep your fear of failure at bay:

1. Start Small, Dream Big: Begin with tiny creative challenges. Starting small isn't a compromise; it's an act of self-compassion. They might seem insignificant, but they're the building blocks of your confidence. Dream big, but start small to ease into the process.

2. Celebrate Imperfections: Understand that imperfections aren't failures; they're the fingerprints of your unique journey. Celebrate them, and let them become the signature of your artistic expression.

3. Community Support: Share your explorations within our supportive community. Set boundaries where you choose to surround yourself with kindred spirits who understand the fear and the joy that comes with artistic exploration. You're not alone on this journey.

While the fear of creative exploration might be a familiar roadblock, it's one we can overcome together. You can redefine what it means to explore and create fearlessly. Your creativity deserves to be celebrated no matter how small.