3 reasons you need to stop relying on steps for painting

Steps give us structure and predictability. I know this is how I teach my kids when I want to show them something new and this is also the best way to learn.

However, there are some downsides to it and here's my thoughts about using steps and formulas in relation to watercolor:

1. Gives you short term relief

"Here are the steps to paint a rose"- goes on to paint a rose and keeps practicing painting a rose, you feel validated and good that you have achieved something.

Then you try to do other florals but you find that it…

2. Creates dependence

You learned the steps- got you success and now its created dependence. You need to find another step by step on how to paint another flower to add to your repertoire.

3. Plateaus your learning

You start to create florals based on steps instead of learning the potential of your tools. You revert back to your comfort zone of formulas because that's the best way you know how.

Don't get me wrong - Following a formula is a great first step. This gives you some structure.

I want to invite you to expand beyond that.

Get out of your comfort zone and into getting to know your tools.

Make your brushes work for you instead of work for them.

For $18 "No Formula Florals" will show you to use your brushes (Flat, Filbert and Round Brush) and strokes to create your own flowers without having to rely on what's the next formula to try out.

I will break down and simplify the themes in flowers that I have studied and show you how I approach a flower while breaking them down with each brush stroke.

You will also learn to select the right brush for the shape you want to achieve.

This recorded workshop is aimed to build muscle memory so that you won't have to think about the next stroke.

I’ll admit - the quality of this workshop video wise is not great because it is a zoom recording - BUT I always deliver content in the easiest way

I have painted florals for 5 years and I make painting a daily practice. I have developed muscle memory for these brush strokes and will be translating them for you in an easy to digest way.

I offer this workshop at a steal of $18:

  1. to make watercolor skills accessible and affordable.

  2. At the same time - this means, you don’t have to go through youtube finding and searching for the next best video or ‘formula’ to help you in your journey when you can watch and ask the questions - and get them answered.

Here is what others have said about the workshop:

"The clear breakdown of all the different brushstrokes and what each brush can do. And also getting a chance to play with the flat brush in all the ways you suggested. I never had anyone show me how to use a square brush in the way you use it! So good!"
- Crystal Tan

"My flowers look better than ones I"ve done before so your teaching helped! I overwork because I love painting so much I keep on going."
- Katherine Howe

"How watercolor concepts are broken down to “everyday terms”; it makes it more approachable and feel (and actually is) doable!"
- Allison

"I have attended a few workshops and no one gives the knowledge and insight like Jillian does! Florals always seem intimidating but Jillian taught so well and gave me courage to try!"
- Aalekha

I look forward to seeing you!